Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is gaining traction amongst women seeking more options for managing the hormonal imbalances that occur in our 30s, 40s and 50s. However, there is a lot of controversy and a lack of reliable information available to these women.
The Understanding Bioidentical Hormones series is here to help dispel some myths, and provide some solid information to women who just want to understand more about their options.
Now, bioidenticals won’t be the solution for everyone, and as a Naturopathic Doctor they are rarely the first step in balancing hormones, but I believe women need information to make the right decisions for themselves.
Hormones are one of the key ways that women differ from men, and they profoundly influence the way women experience our lives – influencing our moods, our energy, our libido, and our quality of life.
Hormones are the chemical messengers that communicate information in our body – they are produced in one place (like the ovaries or the thyroid gland), but exert their impact at other locations (like the brain, breast or bone). Hormones are one of the key ways that we maintain balance (or “homeostasis”) in our bodies, our minds, and our moods.
When a hormone travels through the body, it seeks out hormone receptors. And like a lock in a key, the binding of that hormone can change the function of that cell. Usually the hormone will tell the cell to do something, like make a protein, or stop doing something, like making inflammatory compounds.
No hormone acts in isolation. Each hormone can interact with other hormones, establishing a healthy balance in our bodies. For example, our melatonin supports our sleep, and our cortisol supports our wakeful state. Insulin lowers our blood sugar, and glucagon raises it.
It is only when we understand how our hormones work, how they influence and interact with each other and how hormonal balance is achieved, can we hope to positively impact hormone imbalances. In the symphony of hormone balance, absolute levels of hormones are not as important as the relative balance between the hormones – if one hormone is overwhelming the others, it doesn’t matter if all the others are at the appropriate level, the symphony will still sound imbalanced.
What is a Bio-Identical Hormone?
Bio-identical hormones are unique compounds that have the exact same structure as the hormones our body makes itself. While the bio-identical hormones may be made in a lab (progesterone is made from wild yams!), their identical structure allows them to bind to hormone receptors in our body and precisely mimic the actions of our own hormones.
Bio-identical hormones may never be embraced by conventional medicine, because there is no profit to be made from them. As naturally occurring compounds, bio-identical hormones can not be patented by pharmaceutical companies and marketed to doctors and patients. The only benefit to be gained from bio-identical hormones is improved quality of life for the people using them.
Next steps
Now that you know the basics of what a hormone is, and what makes a hormone bioidentical, I want you to read the article on the key differences between conventional hormone replacement therapy and bioidenticals. I think this is the MOST important information women need to understand when considering bioidenticals. And then look at the Eligibility for Bioidenticals article to understand if they might be right for you.
As always, I implore you to work with an experienced and skill practitioner when exploring hormone therapy of any kind. If you are in Ontario and want to discuss working together, just reach out.
Dr. Lisa
The advice provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is meant to augment and not replace consultation with a licensed health care provider. Consultation with a Naturopathic Doctor or other primary care provider is recommended for anyone suffering from a health problem.