Ever wonder who sees a Naturopathic Doctor? Well the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) surveyed Naturopathic Doctors to determine what health conditions they saw most frequently in their practice.
The results were:
As a whole I would agree with the list provided by the AANMC. However, in my personal practice I would add a few conditions to the list:
My additions are based on my personal experience as a Naturopathic Doctor and do not necessarily reflect the profession as a whole. As a doctor with a special interest in women’s health, pregnancy, pediatrics and adolescent health care I may attract different patients to my practice than other practitioners.
If you don’t see your personal health concern on this list, that doesn’t mean that Naturopathic Medicine may not be helpful in helping you reach your individual health goals. For example, many NDs focus their practices on specific health concerns such as cancer (for more information on these practitioners see the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians with listings for oncology focused NDs in Canada and the United States) or autism (see the Defeat Autism Now! site for listings of Canadian and American NDs with DAN! Accreditation).
If you think Naturopathic Medicine may help yourself or a member of your family, consider a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your individual concerns and goals and see how Naturopathic Medicine may benefit you.
Resources: Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges; Top 10 Conditions Treated http://www.aanmc.org/careers/becoming-a-doctor/top-10-conditions-treated.php