Periods. Our monthly mystery.
As women our period comes every month (ideally!) from our teens into our 50s. And yet many of us have NO IDEA what is really happening. Well, we understand the basics. But when something goes wrong, it’s a mystery to most of us!
This guide was written to help you interpret some of the most common concerns that happen with our periods:
- Periods that come too early
- Periods that come too late
- Periods that don’t come at all!
- Heavy periods
- Light periods
- Spotting between periods
- Spotting before periods
- Painful periods
- Periods that change colour!
- And more
If you have every wondered,
WTF is going on with my period?!
Women everywhere
this is the guide for you. Available as an exclusive download now. Just click below and I’ll make internet magic happen! Your copy will arrive in your inbox.