Hashimoto’s and other forms of hypothyroidism can seriously mess up your periods. It’s not enough that you’re tired and depressed…
Hormone Health
Thyroid hormone influences, and is influenced by, just about every other hormone in our body – from stress-based cortisol, to sleepy melatonin, to period regulating progesterone and estrogen. These hormone relationships play out in various ways for women with Hashimoto’s.
Right before her period starts, and for the first 2-3 days, a woman is most vulnerable to migraines. Menstrual migraines, as they are known, are typically thought to last longer, be more severe, more likely to recur, less responsive to treatment, are more likely to be associated with nausea and vomiting
While many people think of periods, menopause, and PMS when they think of hormones, hormones actually control just about everything in your body – including digestion.
There is no aspect of our health and wellbeing that our hormones don’t impact. So let’s break it down here and support our smile, and oral health, with our balanced hormones.
Our liver makes bile under the influence of a hormone, somastatin, combined with other factors such as the quantity and quality of the food we eat.
But that’s not really the hormone we’re interested in. We are more interested in how our female hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, influence our gallbladder health.
For many women the first time we really think about our hormones is when we are trying to conceive our…
We’ve talked before about issues with birth control pills, and I’ll admit that while they are one of the oldest…
What is the impact that stress has on our immune system? There is an entire branch of study known as psychoneuroimmunology that looks at how our nervous system and stress system influences our immune system. And we can learn a lot from the work of those pioneering researchers.