Food Medicine


28 Jul: Surprise, It’s Vegan!

Embarking on a vegan diet can be a daunting task. Most people assume that being a vegan means eating nothing but carrot sticks, blue-green algae and apple slices. But, despite being by nature a ‘restrictive’ diet – it does not have to be a boring diet!

farmers market veg

25 Jun: Eating Local in Ontario

Eating local is easier when you know the harvest times for your favourite fruits and vegetables! Keep this chart handy and you’ll be able to take advantage of the freshest local foods available at your local farmers markets and grocery stores.

Teen Girls Calcium

07 Jun: Teen Girls Need More Calcium

Teen girls aren’t likely to be thinking about their risk for osteoporosis, but maybe they should be. Peak bone density is reached for most women in their early 20s, and what they are eating in their teen years has an enormous impact on the health of their bones later in life.

Spring Cleanse Tips

22 Apr: Spring Cleanse – 12 Simple Tips for Cleansing Your Body and Mind

A spring cleanse can be a wonderful way to clean up our diets and feel as good on the inside as Spring feels outside. There are many benefits to a spring cleanse: increased energy, better digestion, fewer allergy symptoms, improved immune system function, better sleep, better concentration, healthier skin, healthy weight and many, many more.