Every woman deserves to have a pregnancy that is in alignment with her personal preferences for healthy lifestyle. Having had…
Many women with PCOS are told they will struggle to get pregnant. And while that can be true, few women…
A woman’s body undergoes massive transformation during pregnancy, and our rebound to our baseline of health can take up to a year or longer. With hormone levels plummeting in the weeks after delivery, and nutrient deficiencies being incredibly common, combined with sleep deprivation and the challenges of new parenthood, many women feel tired, overwhelmed, and unwell during the months after the birth of a child.
For many women the first time we really think about our hormones is when we are trying to conceive our…
We’ve talked before about issues with birth control pills, and I’ll admit that while they are one of the oldest…
Once a diagnosis of endometriosis is made many women are given a staging level for their endo. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine classification is based on a point system that stages endometriosis from I to IV.
There is one simple test that can reduce rates of miscarriage by identifying a common and treatable cause of miscarriage.