What could be better than to talk about books dealing with sex and gender and life and relationships, intimacy and desire, than doing it with an Erotic Expert and a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in women’s health and hormones? Oh, and these two are also avid readers.
We met through common circles, social media and our deep connection with women’s health. Our friendship is in the beginning of it’s becoming, but one thing is for certain, we are both incredibly passionate readers.
In these last two years in which books have been even more of a haven than before, we found ourselves chatting on similar readings, recommending to each other the ones we hadn’t read, discussing, briefly, a character or a philosophy prescribed. It’s been wonderful to find a kindred spirit who loves books as passionately.
Books are windows into other worlds. They are the opportunity to live lives you will never be able to live, to experience things you will never be able to experience, to understand things you didn’t understand before. Books are a possibility to escape and to live with others’ for a while, in others’ worlds and lives and views and loves and hurt and pain and childhood and loss. Books are the mirrors that allow us to see ourselves, our humanity, reflected directly at us.
We become more of ourselves when we see parts of us we didn’t know existed, written by a stranger in a page that is in front of us.
Talking about books brings the experience of reading to a different level. It allows us to see what others saw in the same book, which will always be a different experience than our own. It allows us to understand varied perspectives on the same topic, it opens us to debate and conversation and, most of all, community.
That is what the Fire & Ice Book Club is all about.
We want to share readings by female and non-binary authors with you, to laugh, have ‘aha moments’, share a cup of tea over conversation and enjoy some time outside of the reality that can become overtly heavy,
The books we’ve chosen are both Fiction and Non-Fiction and focus on female and non-binary characters, they speak of encountering oneself and exploring sexuality, they are books that will make you think, smile, underline and talk to friends about.
We hope you join us,
Lisa and Kelly
How to Join
To allow this book club to flourish and to give something back to our community, we are asking each participant to give $15 per month, which will be donated to the Red Door Shelter, a charity that focuses on providing care for women and families in need. You can join for either a 3-month subscription ($45) or a 6-month subscription ($80).
Once we receive the confirmation of your payment you’ll be added to our exclusive mailing list (ooooh) which will provide you with the Zoom link for our monthly meeting as well as our discussion guides and other goodies.
Just click the link below to join! And if you have any questions, just reach out to us at fireicebookclub@gmail.com