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Yin Tonic Foods

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses four main pillars of treatment to manage illness and disease: acupuncture, botanical (herbal) medicine, healthy lifestyle and proper diet.

Each of the imbalances that can lead to illness (hot/cold, yin/yang, interior/exterior, excess/deficiency) can be altered by eating foods that re-balance the systems of our body.

Yin represents energy that is responsible for moistening and cooling our body.  When yin is deficient or depleted the body has symptoms of heat.  Yin deficiency is not a true heat, but rather a lack of moisture and cooling that keeps our natural heat in balance.

For a yin deficiency, consuming yin tonic foods, and avoiding yang foods is prescribed.

Yin tonic foodsNote: Yin tonic foods have a tendency to congest the spleen and promote dampness and stagnation when consumed in large amounts.  It is suggested that you consume smaller quantities of yin tonic foods regularly, rather than large quantities irregularly.

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